“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” - Pastor William G.T. Shedd
(Photo Credit: Momma Gee) "Spontaneous" is a scary word to some people. The very thought of flying by the seat of their pants or working without a net breaks them into a cold sweat. Of course on the spontaneous meter of life there are two extremes. The low end would be forgetting your shopping list and grocery shopping without one. Going a little higher up the meter would be the middle-aged woman that goes to the hairdresser for her regular highlights but impulsively decides to go wild & get aqua blue streaks instead (you know who you are). Impetuous tattoos and impromptu skinny dipping would be on the wilder end of the spontaneity meter. (Note - Adding alcohol of any kind especially tequila can definitely affect your spontaneity. My sobriety has definitely put the kibosh on my impulsive outbreaks of karaoke. But I can still sing a mean Bonnie Raitt in the shower.) When life gets too daily you just ha...