K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple Silly
"I mean to lead a simple life, to choose a simple shell I can carry easily – like a hermit crab. But I do not. I find that my frame of life does not foster simplicity." - Anne Morrow Lindbergh , Gift from the Sea There are many different publishings of this book - This is my favorite cover Little gift books have never interested me. You know, those books that people buy you for your birthday when they can't think of anything else to get you. That's why when I saw my first copy of "Gift From the Sea" I passed it by. It just looked cheesy to me. Sometime later I was reading an article about The Lindbergh's - Charles & his wife Anne. Charles is the famous one you always hear about. Mention was made of Anne's amazing accomplishments for a woman living in a time long before the equality of woman was popular and that intrigued me. Anne was college graduate, an aviator, a writer, and married to the most famous man on the planet a...