And he departed from our sight that we might return to our heart, and there find Him. For He departed, and behold, He is here. ~St Augustine
(Originally posted April 9, 2011) " So me keep the Sabbath going to Church, I keep it staying at Home - With a bobolink for a Chorister, And an Orchard, for a Dome." ~Emily Dickinson The moon & Orion's Belt to the right I was talking to a fellow fossil hunter on the beach the other day. The conversation had turned toward the existence of God. He confessed to me that he was not religious. I smiled at him and said "Me neither". I spread my arms out as if to embrace the amazing blue sky we were standing under - "This is my church" I said. Now I do have a local church that I am a member of. I call them my tribe. My tribe knows me well enough that if I lead a prayer meeting it won't be inside the building. It will be outside under a huge oak tree on our property. I am also prone to prayer walk-abouts. I have a beach fellowship and our patron saint is St. Sharks Tooth & St. Arbuck's. There is something abo...