
Showing posts from October 24, 2011

Warning! Militant Sheller! Step away from that junonia and nobody gets hurt. - from a popular t-shirt sold on Sanibel Island

My junonia collection (none of which I have found)  They are either gifts or purchased. No one shell symbolizes Sanibel like the junonia. You'll see images of the junonia plastered on signs, stores, t-shirts, & restaurant menus all over Sanibel Island.  The junonia is the official shell of the  Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club . The  Island Sun on Sanibel-Captiva will put your picture in the newspaper for finding one. If you are on the outside-looking-in to shell collecting or beach combing,  all the fuss surrounding the junonia might be somewhat baffling to you. In the SWFL shelling world finding a junonia is considered the pinnacle of your shelling quest. With so many amazing & dazzling  shells to find on the beaches of SWFL why the junonia?   Loved by the locals because of it's rarity & beauty this valuable & highly-prized " Family Volutidae " is not really native to the island for it is actually a mollusk that lives in depth...