
Showing posts from July 7, 2011

Poor Mermaid...not enough woman to love - too much fish to fry.- Nipsy Russell

What do this and this                             and this box have in common?                         Do I have to state the obvious? One stormy beach day last December I picked up the curvaceous piece of coral and it was screaming mermaid mosaic to me. I am by no means an artist but I know enough about acrylic paints to be dangerous. I can hot glue with the best of them & I have the scars on my pinkies to prove it. I started getting a vision for my mermaid mosaic and as I found the right shells for her hair and tail I started throwing them in my old tin now known as "the mermaid box".  I've been yakking about this project for 9 months.  My creative energy works like that.  I have to verbalize it so I can mentally see it.  Well, it's time to either cut bait or fish so to speak.   So, I have the inspiration ...