Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while. ~Kin Hubbard
Rain, rain go away. I would have gone to the beach but alas showers today & tomorrow thanks to our final storm of the 2011 hurricane season. I've been staring out the window most of the day at the rain drizzling down. Well, I did move to the porch to change my view for a few hours. I love the rain but sometimes it just makes my brain all mushy. I just want to sit & listen to the drops pelt the roof & trees. Even reading is hard for me. I am fighting the urge to roll-up like a burrito in my softest blankie & veg out in front of the tv. Now I did think of some fun and somewhat productive things to do on a rainy day in SWFL. (Credit: Capt. Brian Hollaway) Organize your shells Get a spray tan Make yummy food that looks like sea creatures Watch old Shark Week shows from Animal Planet on demand. Do these teeth look odd to you too? (Credit: Work on ...