If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give. ~George MacDonald
"Aunt Karen, let's pay the toll for the car behind us" said my niece Pookie as we were crossing the Sunshine Skyway some years back. I gave her the look. You know, the facial expression we give a younger, more naive person that has never been ripped off or taken advantage of. They don't know yet what it is like to dig through your purse for the change at the bottom to pay a toll or have to budget every dime to make ends meet because your spouse lost his job. If you read the newspapers & listen to the news enough your hand starts closing even tighter around what you do have regardless of the amount whether it is a little or alot . Unfortunately your heart is right behind it. Open heart - open hand. Closed heart - closed hand. So I determined years ago that I wanted an open heart so I keep my hands open too. My favorite way to give to others is what I like to call drive-by blessings. That's when you leave something that someone needs on thei...