
Showing posts from November 29, 2010

May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through! ~Author Unknown

A  flash mob  (or  flashmob ) is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, then disperse.The term flash mob is generally applied only to gatherings organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral email. (from ) I'm always the last one to hear about any new trend. If it weren't for my 24 yo niece Pookie who lives with me I would be total obtuse about Snookie, the Kardashion's, or McDreamy - McSteamy - or any other variety of Mac except the Big Mac. It was my niece that gently corrected me "Ant Karen - you say "it's the bomb" not "it's a bomb". Whew, somebody's gotta keep this on-the-sunnyside-of-middle-age lady straight. So flash mob? Who knew? A group of people with a common song or dance that just pounces it's performance on unsuspecting people in a public place...Come on - that rocks. (not to be confused with ...