Is the glass half empty, half full, or twice as large as it needs to be? ~Author Unknown

What do you see?  A skull?  A ladle?  A river of green?

Have you every taken an ink blot test?  Take an ambiguous ink blot and show it to 10 different people and you will get 10 different responses.  Our interpretation of the ink blot is supposed to be a peek into our personalities.  Well adjusted people give answers like it's an ant, a cloud, or Justin Bieber.  People with "issues" say something like "it's an ink blot". 

 I think our responses could bounce either way depending on what kind of day we are having or the amount of stress that we are under.  Bottom line, we all see the world through our own particular set of internal glasses.  The optimist sees the glass half full.  The pessimist sees the glass half empty.  The opportunist drank the glass of water while the other two were deciding.  I think one of life's biggest challenges is to co-exist with people who see things differently than we do.  It might be more comfortable to surround yourself with people who see life just like you do but how boring is that?

All the photos from today's post were taken by my friend Momma Gee.
Have a look at Stump Pass through her eyes.

Did you see it?
 It was a large Heron on Stump Pass.

(Credit:  Momma Gee)

(Credit:  Momma Gee)

(Credit:  Momma Gee)

(Credit:  Momma Gee)

(Credit:  Momma Gee)

(Credit:  Momma Gee)

(Credit:  Momma Gee)

(Credit:  Momma Gee)

(Credit:  Momma Gee)

(Credit:  Momma Gee)

(Credit:  Momma Gee)

(Credit:  Momma Gee)

(Credit:  Momma Gee)

Momma Gee under the shade of the shell tree.


  1. Looks like the temps are warming up! Great pictures.

  2. Auntie KB~
    thanks for popping by..
    always good hearing from the Mersisters way down/over yonder!
    looks like you and yours are having some fun times shelling..
    One of these days..when you least expect it..
    I'm gonna pop in and say Hi..take m,e shelling!!
    hugs and smiles..

  3. Momma Gee has a different lens than you!

  4. Thanks Momma Gee! I sure love every photo...especially the old tree stumps. There's always so much to see at the beach! I LOVE IT!


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