Heigh ho, heigh ho! It's off to Sanibel we go!

Sanibel Island is my Disneyland. I feel just like the little girl in the video when I find some time to visit my happiest place on earth. Thanks to planet position and gravitational pull,  I am heading to Sanibel for the lowest tide of 2013. The minus -1.1 low tide won't drain the pass but it will be significantly lower uncovering more beautiful shelling loveliness. Follow me on Instagram or Twitter for real-time updates.  Who knows - I might be jubilating like the little girl in the video by finding my first junonia.

Me in front of the giant junonia on Bowman's Beach last year at the Shellabration.


  1. Mine too!
    Yes, yes, keep us all posted!!!

  2. A bad day shelling on Sanibel is better than any day you aren't there. Lol. Fingers crossed for the 1.1 on 1/11.

  3. Hope you found lots of goodies!

  4. OMG!!!! that video just made ME cry!!! hahahahahahahha....so happy that you get to go to your happy place on exactly the perfect day! I know you heart is singing and I only hope that when you realized how low the tide was going to be and that you were going..,.,..you did happy dance too!!!


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