The shopping is done, the presents are wrapped, the strudel & rum cakes are baked - it's all over but the returning.  I love the holidays but Christmas is always a challenge when you are, as I am the caretaker for other people.  The parties, shopping, cooking, baking, wrapping, $$ can all come crashing in on me if I don't watch out.  I've learned to keep it simple and to pick my snowball fights carefully.  

Tonight, we'll head to church for our Christmas Eve candlelight service.  Christmas Day will start out with coffee & the Christmas Parade from Disney World.  My alma mater high school band was picked to march in it this year. Go Dunedin Highlanders!  But sometime on Christmas Day I will make my way to the beach.  Not just to have some bragging material during those Christmas calls from relatives in frosty Ohio and Pennsylvania but to breath in the salt air and walk and reflect.  Maybe I'll find a shell or two.  Most likely, I'll gather a pocketful of shark's teeth.  But I'll definitely return home with a grateful heart for all the Lord has blessed me with this last year - family, friends, and His peace no matter what life throws my way

Blessings with/on/in you & yours and have a 
wonder-filled Christmas.


  1. Merry Christmas my friend! We're hoping to drive out to Cape Canaveral for the day make it special for us! Sweet holiday hugs, Diane

  2. If I lived there I'd want to visit the beach as well. Have a wonderful day. Merry Christmas my dear friend!! Big Hugs.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful day, I'm going to make it out to the beach also, but I'm hoping for some bragging rights! I love you darlin' and I wish for you a very Merry Christmas and a bright, healthy New Year for all those around you. You are a gift to them and to me, so thankful to have you in my life. See you in about a week!

  4. Merry Christmas Karen. Wishing you the best!

  5. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Karen! The very best Happy New Year to you and your family!


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