This Beach Belle

The rocks

and these shells
 have in common?

The lovely beach belle is my niece Pookie.  She is not really a shelling enthusiast but she hangs around alot of people who are.  The shells she finds are collateral damage.  She's not really looking, just along for the ride really.  But she manages to score some pretty nice finds for all her ambivalence towards the hobby of shelling.

Pookie spent the day at Honeymoon Island State Park  hanging out with her mom who is a passionate sheller.  She came home with a whole box full of olives, Sunray venus Clams, & agatized coral.  What looks like ugly rocks are actually full of geode-like crystals when you break them up with a hammer.  Enter GeeGee (my mom - Pookie's grandmother) The shells and agatized coral get cleaned up and sorted.  Of couse someone has to make something.  

Ta Da!  Check out the shell awesomeness.

GeeGee took a globe she bought at a garage sale for $1 and made this
sa-weet vignette.

The cute miniature bait house was in her junk box.  She added the little seagull on top.

Here's a closer look.  GeeGee has worked her shell magic before.

It was a good day on Honeymoon Island.  Shell Kell (Pookie's mom) found a nice horse conch . The family motto - Take a kid shelling cos some day they will take you!   


  1. Great family motto!!
    Lovely pics of your awesome shelling pastime.

  2. Shell magic indeed! I love what your mom made!

    I have yet to break my rocks from Honeymoon Island and see what, if anything, is inside. Maybe I'm afraid I just have rocks lol.

  3. Great finds, and what a great horsie! I am aching to be there, lol.

  4. Great finds! GeeGee did an awesome job on putting them on display, I know you can always count on her for the cleaning part, I need her here!

    When things settle down there, you need to come up here for some Honeymoon Island Time. You've reminded me that I still need to take pics of the finds from my last two trips to Honeymoon. If it wasn't so dang cold (32 degrees right now), I'd head outside and take some.

    The family that shells together has a whole lot of FUN together!

  5. That big ole horse conch is just amazing! I can't imagine what I would do if I found something like that...probably sit down and cry! heehee! Love the vignette. I've tried putting something together like that. I had a small one done and took it apart yesterday. It didn't quite come together like hers! I love it!

  6. So creative!! I love the moto too. Beautiful conch. Our Mr. G would LOVE to break open those Geos. The Vignete was really cool! :)

  7. Awesome shell!! I would so love to find one of those. Your mom did a great job on her glass bowl - it needs some water and a goldfish now. :-)

  8. Oooh, love that GeeGee's talent!

  9. The horse conch cleaned up real pretty! It is 14 inches long. Carly also found a huge true tulip which can be seen on the shell raisers facebook page.

  10. Love the motto, Hope Salty will be taking me shelling when I am 44 (Next month the 16th) then when I am 55, then 66, then 77. Pookie has a good shelling eye. I enjoyed walking with her a couple of weeks ago. Nice finds! Love the dark olives and agatized coral.


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