Sanibel - Day #1

I'm spending some time on Sanibel with a niece visiting from out west. She had high hopes for a shelling bonanza but alas....Bowman's Beach was beautiful but bare of any of the bodacious shells one expects to find on Sanibel. We tried the east end of the island to no avail. Even the shell experts on the island have come up empty handed these last few days. 

With the exception of some traverse arks, sea pork, & a wayward sea hare nothing was happening on the middle of the island either. To make matters worse my niece was all stoked for a Mucky Duck sunset on Captiva & the place was packed with no parking spot to be found. So leaving slightly disappointed we skeedaddled over to Blind Pass to catch the sunset. Good things come to those who wait. My niece & I got soaking wet in our dinner clothes as we pounced on a newly formed shell pile. That is what Sanibel shelling is all about - going with the flow. Don't ever let the lack of shells or parking get you down. There's always a shell pile waiting around the corner.


  1. Must be such a nice place to visit :-)

  2. That spot right there is one of my favorite places to sit and dig thru shell piles.

  3. That is a nice shell pile! Glad your niece got to do some shelling :)

  4. too bad shelling isn't an olympic'd win a gold medal!


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