When in doubt - paddle out

Every SWFL surfer lives for stormy days & high surf advisories.

Just another day in paradise.  Tropical Storm Debby is rolling through SWFL bringing tornado warnings & high surf advisories.  Warnings like that are Beach Boy music to the ears of every beach comber & surfer in the vicinity. It's still a little too rough for the shells to roll in.  Low tide was at 11:11am & the storm surge had pushed the tide line past the turtle nests and up to the sand dune embankment.  The south  winds were gusting to about 30 mph with the waves reaching the 6-10 foot range. One of my shell sistahs calls these tropical storms "shell showers". I'll keep you posted.

Just another day in paradise - welcome Tropical Storm Debby.

Blind Pass Beach on Manasota Key was packed
 with surfers and their entourages.

No life guard - No board - no problem.  There's always body surfing.

This turtle nest will hopefully hold on.


  1. Yike, that turtle cut it a little close! I hope the nest doesn't flood. My toes are itching to get into that salt water, and I can't wait to see what has been unearthed when it's all over!

  2. I cannot wait to get out there and find some shells! Hurry up and move on Debby!

  3. Love your blogs!! Great video.

  4. We've had rain all day and right now the winds are swirling the rain in all directions. I hope we don't get anything worse...here or where you are either! Take care!

  5. I love heading over to the beach when the weather is like this. There is always fun at the beach in Florida! Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. I'd love to be on that beach listening to the pounding surf! It's so exciting.

  7. Hubby and I were wondering how the turtle nests were fairing during the onslaught of the storm surge. I sure hope all is well on the coast!

    We had to take a different route home due to a tree laying across the road. We've had so much rain from this storm, and a little wind, too.

    You guys take care over there, and be safe!

  8. be safe! We were just talking about the shelling possibilites this morning

  9. Wow - that wind sounds brutal. How did you not get blown away?

  10. thanks for sharing a wild bit of paradise...we've been watching from afar...our lawn people kept praying for rain so they'd have some work...this should do it :)


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