May you always have a shell (perferably a junonia) in your pocket & sand between your toes ~ a Beachcomber Blessing

It's time to shuck off those sneakers, take off those Tom's, & kick off those flip flops.  Summertime is here and it's time to go barefoot.  Being a Renaissance woman with some redneck inclinations - going barefoot is  a regular event for me. I love the feel of soft grass under my bare feet.  I like the feel of sand between my toes even better.  One of my shell sistahs has the best of both worlds.  She can kick off her flip flops and head to to her local beach - Barefoot Beach in Bonita Springs, Florida any time she wants. Congratulations Carla on finding your first junonia.

(Credit:  Carla Barone)
 Barefoot Beach is located on Bonita Beach
 just north of Naples, Florida.

(Credit:  Carla Barone)
You'd be sporting an ear-to-ear grin too if you'd
 have found this rare highly-prized junonia.
 My shell sistah Carla from Bonita Springs
has just joined the elite club of junonia finders.

(Credit:  Carla Barone)
Carla's treasure tray.  Not a bad day, right?


  1. Wow! She had a terrific shelling day! What a pretty bunch of goodies. AND a Junonia! Lucky lady...congrats Carla!

  2. WOW!!!!! I would be happy with any one of those finds. The stingray barb however put me over the edge. That is a big stingray barb! I have only found one that size in 17 years.(And I look every day, those are my favorite) What a steller day of collecting. WOW, (mouth agape)WOW!! Great job!!

  3. What a beauty - congrats on such a nice find. I also like the array of shells displayed on the tray. That's a cute idea.

  4. Thank you Karen and thank you guys! It was a real treat to find for sure!

  5. I need to clarify tho..the junonia is the newest addition to the treasure tray. The other items have been found throughout the year. If I found all that in one day I'd pass out!! @Capt. Brian..I have found several of the sting ray barbs and not just on Barefoot. But the coolest one by far, I did find there and it still is attached, by a sort of hinge mechanism to another bone...Dude you gotta check this out...

  6. I've been to Barefoot Beach a few years ago and we've had a wonderful time at the beach!!! And I love your today's quote, Karen... it's one of my favorites!

    Have a nice & super sunny barefoot weekend!!!!!!

  7. have we been to that beach AK? if not, when are we? We need to get you a junonia. I still like the alphabet cones. well have fun. I'm house/pet sitting. I can't come over......


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May you always have a seashell in your pocket & sand between your toes