I guess the definition of a lunatic is a man surrounded by them. ~ Ezra Pound

About once a year the moon makes it's closest approach to the earth called the "perigee moon".  Rachel of  Life As I See  It  blog took this foto in her Englewood, Fl backyard.

The biggest and brightest full moon of the year paid us a visit last Saturday night.  Our celestial neighbor passed a little closer to Earth than normal sending all of us who are sensitive to gravitational pull into a little tizzy.   Don't we all feel just a tad cuckoo around a full moon? 

 My dad was a paramedic for 30 years. He was  full of stories of all the crazy things that happened and looney tunes people that showed up during a full moon on his shift. Maternity nurses swear more births happen on a full moon. During my customer service career at a big box home improvement store I can personally vouch that every off-balance person from 20 miles around showed up at the front desk with some outlandish tale of customer service woe on the full moon. There is actually hard & fast scientific studies to back up the effects of a full moon.

Some people are just sensitive to gravitational pull.  That's not always a bad thing.  Every good beachcomber  should have a little lunatic in them.  I can feel the full moon pulling me to the ocean especially when I look at the tide charts and see a red line of minus low tides. There are always two sides to every coin.  A good beachcomber channels all that lunacy into a positive direction.

The full moon makes the low tide noticeably lower.

This is what a super moon low tide looks like. Friends from Chicago saw the minus .05 low tide on Little Hickory for themselves.

Author/blogger of all things sandy & salty Dave McRee aka The Florida BeachHunter celebrated Cinco de Mayo by driving over the Sunshine Skyway to get this amazing shot of the super moon over the Tampa Bay shipping lanes.

The minus low tide caused by a super moon's extra ummph on Barefoot Beach.  Photo was taken  by Shell Sistah Carla who lives on Bonita Beach.


  1. God certainly does love you best - what an awesome tide! That was an amazing video, one of your best ones yet. The water is so clear, and I can see the shells, and it looked like a beautiful day. Looking forward to your pictures of your day with M!

  2. Awesome post...some really good pictures of the SuperMoon...and loved the video :) you go to such great lengths to get your shells!!! Life is good again, eh?

    We're settled in now and ready to roll for the summer...lots of ball games and birthday parties and a golf classic on the other side of my daughter's backyard...lots of rellies coming down for the golf weekend. Should be good times.

  3. I am just grateful to have met God's Favorite! That pull you felt wasn't the moon, it was my yearning, trying to pull me down there to shell that tide! What a lovely gift!

  4. Interesting. I think I get a little more emotional around the time of the full moon but perhaps that is coincidental as there are always seems to be a reason (like with recent sickness in the fam, etc.). I do love your photos. Sadly I missed a photo opportunity but I don't have the right camera anyway. I took some late night shots but they weren't very good. They might have turned out better if I took them a few hours earlier. Have a lovely week :-)

  5. Great video of the 10 spot! We tried to get there yesterday but there was no parking so we hit Lovers Key. No shells there but gorgeous!
    And God may love you best but I run a close second! Love ya!:)

  6. This was one of the most interesting posts I've read anywhere in a very long time! thanks so much and I'm so happy to be following along with you!

  7. That was some moon! I would have loved to have been at the beach... specifically Little Hickory! I'll have to get down that way one of these days. Thanks for the insight!

  8. Oh My...........that shot of the orange moon?? Absolutely perfecto!!! Would love to have one like that in my portfolio!!!
    Isn't mother nature wonderful? Such beauty.....and love when I see others appreciate as I do!! Happy Tuesday!

  9. Did you find any good shells? If so, post some pics.

  10. What a glorious world we live in...with beautiful sights like these! Amazing photos, my friend! I sure would love to be at the beach sometime SOON!

  11. What a beautiful moon it was!! I bet the shell hunting was spectacular! Speaking of Florida, I'm trying to remember the Greek reminder you gave me last summer for a dip with cucumbers..what was it called again =D xox

  12. Moon over the Tampa Bay is spectacular!!

  13. WOW! What a wonderful view at Barefoot Beach - hope you don't mind, but I am sharing on our fb page. Great post.


  14. I must be a lunatic!!! Great pics and video. Happy weekend to you.

  15. I finished the video just now. Sure do wish I were there with you and Pam. Hope you found great things!!!


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