Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. ~Pablo Picasso

(Credit:  Royal Palm Marina)
The winner of the 2010 Seawall Art Competition at Royal Palm Marina in Englewood, Florida was local artist Diana Davidson.  Her mural will be the only section not painted over for the 2012 contest.

I am certain that Englewood has more artists per capita than any other gulf coast town in SWFL. We do have our fair share of doctors, lawyers, teachers,  realtor's, construction guys (who double as fishing guides),  retail workers & restaurant people but most of them are artists in their spare time.  We have an art centeran Artists Alliancean artist's retreat.  Englewood abounds in local shops & galleries that carry the work of area artists. Painting virtuosos will add their creative magic to anything in Englewood that stands still long enough.  If it has aesthetic potential some would-be artist will beautify or decorate it with their imaginative skills.  No bench, outside business wall, or even seawall is safe from the creative energies of the Englewood artist community.

Armed with brushes, paint, & sunscreen, local artists are gearing up to attack the Royal Palm Marina's seawalls again. All the current murals on the seawall that surround Zeke's Bayside Bar & Grill (located at the marina) are being covered up with a fresh coat of marine primer.  The lone survivor is the winner of their last mural competition which leaves 16 mural spaces to be re-painted. (There are currently 4 spaces left)

 The Seawall Art Competition starts on Memorial Day (May 28th) with the final judging being held on July 8th. Even if you are not a fully functioning artist on the outside surely there is an inner artist you can embrace & bring to the festivities. If you day trip to Englewood between Memorial Day & 4th of July this summer regardless of your  itinerary-or lack thereof- you will eventually end up at Zeke's Bayside.  Just follow the glowing rays of the sunset, the sounds of live music, & smell of tasty fish tacos. No charge for the art.
My family enjoying a sunset supper at Zeke's.

Nice sea breeze & the sunset.

Every evening the sunset draws the mobile home park residents
 next door to their makeshift Mallory Square.
(Credit:  Royal Palm Marina)

The wonderful thing about sunsets is if you missed one today there is always another one scheduled for tomorrow.


  1. That sounds like it would really be fun to see. Take lots of pictures!

  2. Whoa! The Chamber of Commerce must love you!!! Too bad we can't be there for the festivities but we did come down for the Art Fest, the week you and Hubbs were doing the hospital...

    The days up here have been divine!

  3. Whenever I see those murals, my stomach starts to growl, then my nose goes beyond the smell of the gas being pumped. Burgers Ahhhh, That place has the best burgers in Florida. Forget cheeseburger in paradise, this place is heaven on earth for burgers.

  4. That photo of the sunset with the boats is beautiful.

  5. That's funny as crap. "makeshift Mallory square." Ha!


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