What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) British poet and playwright.

Stump Pass is located on the most southern end of Manasota Key.

The reason for calling it "Stump " Pass just eludes me.

The birds seem to like all the available perches.

The name choice just befuddles me.

There are lots of creative folks walking the beaches.  Some people see driftwood - others see a beach hideaway.

Andre & Ray from DC planted one stick into the beach the day before & came back to find an entire sculpture has grown out of their small beginnings.  They decided to keep coming back to check on the progress.

Add a few pillows - maybe a nice seating arrangement.

What's in a name?  That which we call Stump Pass by any other name would still be one of my favorite places to be.


  1. I would love to wander along this stretch of beach! Enjoy your weekend...it's windy here! ♥

  2. I would love those stumps in my yard, but they are just to gorgeous to move from their spot....and probably too heavy too lol!

    I must visit Stump Pass!

  3. Who cares what it is called-it is a beautiful place!


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