If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God. - G.K.Chesterson

It's the dimming of the day. Work is done. Dinner has been consumed. This is the alternative to Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy on Manasota Key.

The cameras come out. 

No good  Florida vacation photo album is complete without a token sunset picture.

Sunset watchers assume the position. The cares of the day fade away with the sun slowly sinking to the west.

There are always those who can multi-task.  

A big shell pile is hard to resist even in the glowing light of the fading sun.

Sunsets are meant to be shared.

If you missed the sunset today - good news!  There is another one scheduled for tomorrow evening .


  1. Just seeing your photos makes me feel calm and satisfied. Beautiful...how blessed we are.

  2. What a great way to end the day. And SO much better than any kind of TV.

  3. Oh yeah...I'll take that any time over tv!! I would be one of the multi-taskers though...could not resist that shell pile!!

  4. There isn't anything quite like a Gulf Coast sunset. So beautiful! Who needs tv with views like this?

  5. I second Kim's comment! Can't wait to get down there!

  6. Cute post, Karen. see you this afternoon at the coffee shop. 3:30

  7. great post. I am looking forwarding to experiencing these and sunrises when we move there to FL.. I can't wait!

  8. Love the sunset photos!
    Melissah from Coastal Style


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