Let the Shellabration begin!!

The truck is gassed up, my gear is packed, & all I'm waiting on is for my shell sistah Shellbelle to arrive.  We are headed south to Sanibel to be a part of the group of Sanibel Stoopers going after a new world record for the most shellers on a beach doing the Sanibel Stoop at one time.  I'm going to attempt to do some mobile blogging throughout the day for those of you that won't be with us :( 

You'll be missed but be assured Shellbelle & I are committed to the cause - Making the Planet a Better Place One Shell At A Time!

Cute cartoon that only beach combers understand from the Boca Grande Beacon newspaper.


  1. Pick me up on the way! I sure wish I was there with the two of you...and all of the shell sistahs! What an amazing time you will have! You'll make history! How cool is that! Pick up a shell for me...and give Shellbelle a hug for me! HAVE FUN! ♥♥♥

  2. Have a blast!! I'll be watching for mobile uploads.

  3. Love the cartoon! I'd love to be there with you, and I will be in spirit. I'll be thinking about you gals out there setting records! Give Shellbelle my love!
    I hope you have an amazing time!

  4. Hee, hee...a crackin' good cartoon!
    Give Rhonda a hug for me, OK?

  5. I went to Sanibel once ions ago I agree I was not able to stand up straight for days after.

  6. Thanks so much for the shirt I wish I could be there to do the stoop hope you have fun

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Have a wonderful time, wish I could be there. LOVE the cartoon :)

  9. Love the cartoon....wish I could be there! You sure will have a lot of people riding on your shoulders....will that count toward the record?? :)

  10. Cute -- but oh! I'm ready to turn MY bottom up, too and I wish I were there with you!


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