“I have the world's largest collection of seashells. I keep it on all the beaches of the world... perhaps you've seen it.” Stephen Wright

Are you ready for some shell shows!

There are times when I am shelling on the beach that I have actually gotten dizzy.  The waves going in & out, birds buzzing overhead, and  bending up & down to inspect the wrack line can all contribute to a spinning of the senses that warrant a quick sit down on the sand.  But that pales in comparison to the sensory overload you will experience at a shell show.  Usually sponsored by the local shell club, a shell show is a gathering of shell enthusiasts of all kinds - the artists, the serious scientific collector, & the aficionado. There are shell flowers, shell mirrors, shells for sale, t-shirts with shells printed on them,  shell exhibits, shell collections, & the nobility of the shell craft - the sailor's valentine.

  From the moment you enter the venue your senses are assailed with color of the shells everywhere, the movement of the crowds, the loud din of voices calling to one another to "Get over here you got to see this!", flashes from 100's of digital cameras, & the slight smell of low tide in the air. It's about as much fun as a shell lover can have for a tank of gas & $3.00 admission fee.  If you are anywhere close to SWFL there are some really fun shows coming up.  If you've never been try to make it to at least one.  You'll have a blast.  

February  17 -19, 2012

February 25 -26, 2012

March 1 - 3, 2012

March 8 - 10,2012


  1. I could go on a tour from shell show to shell show like a sea shell groupie lol

  2. I have never been to a shell show, and I'd love to go to at least one of these.

  3. Living by the beach - I would love to go to a shell show. I have been being a lot of shell art lately!
    Melissah from Coastal Style

  4. Every year I put these on my to do list, but it isn't going to happen again this year. I'll rely on you for a full report! :)

  5. Take lots of pictures at the Sanibel one!!

  6. That a super frugal activity! Too bad I'm so far away. Have fun!

  7. I've never heard of a shell show, sounds like fun! When you mentioned getting dizzy, it made me think of a few years ago when we visited Sanibel for the day. I was in shell heaven, and practically dizzy from all the excitement hunting for treasures on the beach:)

  8. I call those shows "shell shock." Overwhelming...what nature contains!

  9. One day I want to be there for the Sanibel shell show, didn't know about the others....one day I will be living down there and will go from show to show to show!!! I guess for now, I will have to live through your pictures and wonderful blog!!


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