2 bits - 4 bits - 6 bits - a dollar. All for Shelling stand up & holler! (again)

I am re-posting from last year's Superbowl Sunday.  I still have no interest in the game but I am pretty excited about the food being cooked & the commercials.  Hope you have a great Sunday.

(originally posted February 7, 2011)
Usually Superbowl is a big deal around our house. The Hubbs is a real football fanatic but mainly for his college team - the Florida Gators. Our first real date was  31 years ago on Superbowl Sunday.  My dad was a football coach so I know my way around the football field. My date was impressed or probably relieved that he could watch a football game with a female and not have to explain everything that was going on. The rest is history.

I can't really get too excited abut the Superbowl this year. I have no vested interest in either team. At least that was my excuse for ditching the pre-game festivities and heading to Sanibel early this morning. Actually football and shelling have some similarities.
The horse conch I found was as big as a football
Standing on the sandbar at Blind Pass with the tide rushing in; I just happened to look down and saw this football-sized horse conch and nobody was home. The dance I did on the sandbar definitely looked as good as any touchdown dance I've ever seen. So in the words of any good coach "when the going gets tough, the tough go shelling".
The sand bar is about the size of a football field.  There are plenty of shells for everyone
Shelling can be a team sport with matching jerseys. (Team i Love Shelling)
Shellers suit up for the game with our own particular brands of equipment.  Judy is an industrial engineer. She pitched me an idea she has for  aqua shoes that are ankle high so the shells don't get stuck inside the shoes.

My goal line. Facing the Blind Pass Jetty
Facing the Sanibel side
That's the home team in the end zone.
Oh Come On! Laying on a board is not a sport. Shelling is a total spirit-mind-body work out.
To the victor go the spoils
Arcinella cornuta
Conrad, 1866
Florida spiny jewelbox
(left to right) alphabet cone, true tulip, banded tulip, nutmeg
Cancellaria reticulata
(Linnaeus, 1767)
Eurytellina lineata
(Turton, 1819)
Rose petal tellin 
You win some - you lose some but any piece of junonia is a winner.


  1. Love those tellins! What a great way to spend superbowl sunday!

  2. You know how to spend Super Bowl Sunday!

    I also met my hubby 31 years ago right around this time. Just over a week before Valentine's Day, at a school game. It was basketball, though.

  3. We will be front and center tomorrow watching the game - I'm even making our annual Superbowl Turkey dinner.

  4. You find the best shells in your part of the state! And I would rather be shelling that anything else I can think of! ♥

  5. Great find at Blind Pass! I will be camping in Sanibel in March...I hope I can find some goodies too!


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