We die daily. Happy those who daily come to life as well. ~George MacDonald

This is Monday's tide chart for Sanibel Island.  Notice the big dip at 6am.  That is a minus .08 low tide which translated into beachcomber language = Hotdigity dawg! I'm on my way to Sanibel!

I'll set my alarm for 3am.  After I hit the road & drink one of these, I'll be in Sanibel  in 1 1/2 hours.

I'll be there in time to see this.

(Credit:  http://www.foreverwherever.com)
And find some of these.

(Credit:  http://www.cafepress.com/sanibelslacker.503030918)

Woo Hoo!


  1. I am (groan) SO happy for you (stifled sob) but (big sigh) SO JEALOUS, too! Can't wait to see the report!

  2. Safe, happy travels & good times!
    You are blessed! ;)
    I am tempted to be jealous! ;}
    Have FUN!!!

  3. Thanks for your comment on my last post, Karen! But... there's no chance that I'll be on Sanibel next Monday :-(( I'm really sorry about that!! I miss sheller's paradise... Have a great time on the island!!!

  4. BooHoo, I want to go with you! Good luck. I hope you find some treasures.

  5. my hubbs says to tell you not to let him splash you if you're out there on Wed morning at daylight....he'll be sailing past there on Blew Bayou, headed to mexico!!!

  6. Sounds like you had a great day planned. I'd love to see that sunrise too ;-) Thanks for the link to the baguette recipe.

  7. I thought I was the only crazy person to get up at 3a to be on the water. Thanks for making me feel normal.


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