If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart

OMGoodness....is it the holidays already?  I still have a bag of Christmas wrapping paper in my closet that I was going to take to my storage closet from last year & never did.  Sometimes I watch Martha Stewart in all her holiday perfection, making homemade felt mice candy cane holders & recycled snowflake garland & I just want to punch her.  Really.  Seriously.  Who has the time or the extra money for this stuff? So, I'm off to the grocery store for my 2nd Thanksgiving shopping trip to buy all the stuff I forgot the 1st trip. The Salvation Army has gotten a jump on things & is already stationed at both doors ring ring ring ringing away. I got a text from someone who saw a line of people camped out in front of Best Buy for Black Friday.  Have we all just lost our minds? 

 I head back to the meat department to buy my turkey before my mother gets back from out-of-town where she is visiting friends.  If I buy it before she gets back I can get away with a 13 lb-er.  If she goes with me, we'll end up with a 25 lb-er.  My mom still thinks she is cooking for 15 people and there is only 3 of us. (Grumble crumble complain complain)  I'm bent over elbow deep in the frozen birds looking for a smaller turkey that I think my mom & the hubby will be happy with when out of the corner of my eye I see something odd on someone's head.  After a closer look I find it is a lady wearing a hat - a turkey hat.  She is smiling away, talking to the seafood guy at his counter. He's laughing & chatting back obviously enjoying helping her with her order.  Funny thing is, everyone looking her way is smiling too.  Even the folks shaking their heads as they are passing by have a smile on their face. 

 Her name is Tammy.  She has to work on Thanksgiving so she is in the grocery store buying the fixings to make turkey dinner for all her co-workers tomorrow.  Oh yeah, I remember now.  THANKS GIVING - The Giving of Thanks. I mentally thump myself on the head & make a few quick adjustments in my attitude of gratitude.  I go back over to the frozen turkey case & trade my scrawny 10lb-er in for a more respectable 16lb-er that will be more to my mom's liking. Tammy reminded me that a thankful heart is a happy heart.  I want to be a carrier of gratitude that infects everyone in my path with happiness.  With a grateful heart the circumstances of life don't effect us because our focus is on the things that are most important things in life - family, friends, and wearing a turkey hat in Publix to spread some Thanksgiving joy.

What is on that woman's head?

Oh No. You. Don't.  Have a turkey on your head.

Tammy is wearing the coolest turkey hat ever!

LOL  See the guy to the right pretending like he doesn't see her turkey hat.  

The turkey hats were running rampant.  Laura was out in the parking lot bringing in the carts.

Her sister made her the turkey hat. 

"The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!"
 ~Henry Ward Beecher


  1. LOL - I love a woman with a sense of humor! I am married to a man from a huge family and he always wants a BIG turkey. The largest I ever made was 33, yes, 33 pounds. I bought a 20 pd turkey this year and feel like I'm getting off easy! This year I am thankful for all the new friends I made through blogging, but especially YOU. You rank way up high at the top of the list my friend! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! I too am very thankful for my blog friends....and people who wear turkey hats!

  3. So it's a good time for thanks...giving AND for a little humor in our lives! You hit the jackpot in both categories! How funny! Enjoy your day! We'll have a quiet one...but a good one! Hugs! ♥

  4. Oh, the lurking turkey! Funny stuff. Yep, we're all thankful around here. Thankful we can stop all this bathroom madness...it's done!!! Now we can cook and enjoy each other! and a bathroom with great services.

  5. wonderful and delightful..
    I too encountered folks with laughter in their hearts..
    and smiles on their faces..
    managed to change some grumpiness into a smile..
    and did my good deeds by helping several folks find things..
    and let a mom with unruly tots into the checkout before me..
    but was rewarded by the sweetest little voice singing very softly..
    we wish you a merry Christmas.. its the most wonderful time of the year,,she told me she was 4, and asked if she was bothering me..to which i replied ..nope.. please continue..
    and she did so sweetly and softly....
    i left with a smile on my face..and in my heart!!
    enjoy your day!!
    warmest hugs..

  6. I think I need a turkey hat! LOL! I love to see people having fun...it puts a smile on my face, and in my heart!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Karen!

  7. I am thankful every day just to do what I do. I am thankful for seashells and thankful for you. Thanks for being you. Capt. Brian

  8. That's so funny. I couldn't imagine putting that on my head! Haha. There is something very freeing in that! LOL Happy Thanksgiving.

  9. I've never seen a turkey hat before... sooooo funny!!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family & friends, Karen!

  10. Oh....you have made my heart smile on this day after a most glorious Turkey Day ever! A HUGE turkey (yep, I was the one digging in the turkey counter with my feet in the air!) and all the fixins in my belly...alongside so much love and laughter from my family! What fun we all had and everyone at our gathering was indeed so very grateful for out time together that many memories were made And today? I'm off to see the face of soon to be born grandson in a 4d ultrasound! Them fighting the crowds and shaking my fists at people grabbing parking spots, chuckling all the way! I truly love the frenzy!!!!
    Oh....and I have a turkey hat that I wore ALL day long on Wed and Thur!!! Hahahahahaha!!!


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