Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. ~George Eliot

(Credit:  Chris Andruskiewicz)
Falling Leaves

Golden Sun  ~ Hay Rides ~  Pumpkins

Harvest  ~ Scarecrow ~  Family

Apple Cider ~ Autumn  Pies

 Leaf Piles ~ Fuzzy Sweaters

Pumpkin Spice Latte  ~ Beautiful Colors ~ Moon Beams

Blessings ~ Give Thanks


  1. Great blog, great words, great photos. Your blog is alway's a fresh breath of sea air, in a set of lungs that breaths it all day long. Thank you.

  2. Beautiful post for Fall, my favourite season.

  3. Lovely, lovely seaside photos!!!

    Thanks for sharing---

    beachside cottage

  4. Great photos and I love how you have shared your thoughts!

  5. Autumn in Florida is almost like autumn in the north :)....that crazy heron could be mistaken for a scarecrow, couldn't it?

  6. Very creative putting fall words with seashore pics....I love it!

  7. I'm with George Eliot on that one!
    Best season...hey...I just realized I have a cousin named George Elliott. your beach photos!

  8. I love the golden tones of the pictures. My favorite shot was the one of the moon thru the pine tree tho.

  9. Beautiful! I'll be so happy to get back to Florida and enjoy the autumn there! ♥♥♥

  10. I love, love, love your beautiful beach pictures, Karen!!!


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