Australia is so cool that it's hard to even know where to start describing it. The beaches are beautiful; so is the weather. Not too crowded. Great food, great music, really nice people. It must be a lot like Los Angeles was many years ago. Mary-Kate Olsen

Winter in Florida

The turkey is eaten, the leaves have fallen, & baby, it's starting to get cold outside.  Don't pack up that bathing suit so fast.  If it's 5 o'clock somewhere then it's summer somewhere as well.  That somewhere would be on the opposite side of the globe from the US in the continent of  Australia.  As we here in the US start bundling up for winter the Aussies are heading to the beach.  I have always loved everything about Australia. Their sports teams play like warriors, the people have an authenticity about them, & their accent is really cool.  The diversity of the terrain & climate range from tropical regions in the north through the arid expanse of the interior to the temperate regions of the south. Australia is surrounded by water & has 1,600 miles of coastline. For a beachcomber such as myself that many possible miles of beaches could keep me occupied for a long long time.  But alas, no trips to down-under are on my itinerary this winter. But with one click of the mouse I can visit the beaches of Australia via the blogging community.


Prudence is from the Sydney area.  She lives on the beaches of northern Sydney but she also travels via caravan (what we in the US call RV'ing) on the Mid-North Coast of New South Wales.  I love to follow her beach combing trips with her sons Gus & Luke.  She makes these adorable dolls called "Flotsam Friends" from their beach treasure finds.  Pru gives you a peek into her real life that balances wife, working mom, & creative artist.  There's hope for us  ya'll.


I Heart Sunny Days
Another beachy blogger is located further north up the coast in the town of Cairns.  Situated on the North East side of the continent in Queensland their beaches  run parallel with the Great Barrier Reef.  That would inspire me to blog about life on the beach.  I Heart Sunny Days is a sprightly blog about thrifting, crafting, & living on the beach.  She also has a separate blog for you Pyrex Collectors.


Beachcomber - simple living
Filled with hip coastal decorating ideas, Cheryl from the Beachcomber blog lives in Sydney, Australia.  I remember watching the opening ceremonies from the Olympic Games coming from Sydney back in 2000 thinking "No one will ever top this."  Beachcomber blog has a vibrant dynamic city & beaches to draw her inspiration from.  The foto's are stunning as well.


Coastal Style
Melissah is an interior designer who lives on the southern coast in the state of Victoria.  This particular blog (she has 3) is like flicking through the pages of a fashion magazine.  If you are looking for coastal inspiration for your home or wardrobe, Melissah's blog is young, trendy, & full of ideas.  


  1. And then there's Julie in Sydney on loves the beach and the moon and trips out to Italy...a lovely, warm-hearted artistic blogger.

  2. thanks for loving australia so much (makes me proud) and for the lovely mention!! love all the other blogs you & becky mentioned as well.
    hope you get to do some beachcombing here one day : )

  3. I already follow Coastal Style - I love her! I'll check out the others. I wish a trip to Australia was in my future.....

  4. I sit here sniffing and coughing and praying that my nose will not be stopped up at bedtime...I leisurely get to travel thru Australia!! Thanks for all the great links and oh, if I just had one day at that beach!!

  5. Thank you from me too! Especially love this time of the year here. We are only 14 school days out from our LONG Christmas/Summer break. The kids won't be back at school until the end of January. Time is spent mainly at the beach, relaxing and eating amazing stone fruit. Pruxxx

  6. Kaybe,
    Just popped over from Kim's place...
    Kim@Snug Harbor
    and WOW!!!
    what a super delightful post of even MORE wonderful beachy places and friends to visit in Australia no less!!
    With snow rapidly approaching for me here in Denver CO,
    you can believe I'll be on a sunny beach somewhere..
    if only in my dreams!!!
    thanks again for the beautiful post!!
    warmest hugs..

  7. As cold as it has been the last couple of days, I'm dreaming of warm beaches! I wish Australia wasn't so far away...

  8. I love all any weather! I wish I was creative enough to make a doll like that! Enjoy your week! ♥♥♥

  9. Just popped over to say hi & to my surprise there was this lovely mention of my little blog - thank-you so much for the featuring my blog, I'm really flattered. And as we head into summer I'm feeling pretty lucky to living in Oz right now!
    Melissah from Coastal Style

  10. Hi from another Aussie Beachy Blogger who is now following you. Popping in from Beachcomber and now off to have a look at some of the Australian girls I didn'r know about. Thanks for sharing this.
    Carolyn xx


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