Mobile Blogging PA - Day #7.  Our Poconos leg of the hubby's Bucket Tour is  coming to a close. If you haven't spent time with family lately put it on your list - it's good for what ails ya! Although I mainly focused in on the breath-taking foliage, I don't want you to think I went totally shell-less. My nephew had this pretty horse conch on a shelf in a spare bedroom. The giga clam had been in his garden & was being stored in the garage during a recent move. Yes, it's real & it's spectacular.  


  1. I was going to ask if that was REAL! WOW! I sure do miss my family this week in particular! Enjoy your day! Talk to you soon! ♥

  2. Is that real, Karen?!? Couldn't believe it...!

    BTW: No shells in N.J.... season is over ;-)

  3. That is an awesome shell! I've priced ones like this, and larger, they are expensive!

  4. Love that first picture of you - cutie pie! I'd be wanting to sneak those shells into my car....


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