Mobile Blogging - Days 1 & 2.  We are nestled away in the Poconos Mountains enjoying the views from the our family's house that overlooks the woods & a lake. I've already seen 3 deer & have received instructions in case I have a bear encounter. I come from the "scream like a girl & run like h-e-double toothpicks" school of thought. It's a nippy 40 degrees so I won't be going to far into the woods.


  1. What a fabulous time to be in the mountains! Enjoy every minute of it! Hugs! ♥ And PUT some socks on! heehee! ♥

  2. You need some hiking boots and a nice vest! I'd LOVE to be in the Pocono's this time of year. Awesome!!

  3. been trying and tryin to comment and it won't let me ..........accccckkkkk.....trying one more time.
    OMG!!!! you're on another wonderful adventure!!
    would love to be in the east for fall leaves. Only done it once and it brings back the best memories every yr.
    Have a blast and make every dingle dangle day a memory!!! can't wait to see your pics..

  4. Oh your such a beach in sandels and pretty toe nails!! That's the California dress code too!!


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