Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. - Mark Twain

The Gulf of Mexico was rocking & rolling after the tropical low blew through on Tuesday morning.  Serious beachcombers know this is prime time for us to find shells & shark's teeth from deeper waters that get tossed up from the strong surf.

The waves were just pounding the beach.  The sand dunes were holding their own.  

The waves have washed most of the debris & dead fish left by the recent red tide back out to sea. 

As I walked farther north up the beach my throat started to get that hacky-red tide cough.  There were still  fish scattered about.

Time to turn around because I am coughing & my tongue is tingling from some lingering red tide in the air.

Another reason to walk a little faster - I'm glad my girl scout training prompts me to always carry a poncho in my pack.

We are all in denial.  No sun, red tide, 6-8 foot waves, & a rainstorm blowing in...... but yet we stay on the beach.

I'm just saying.......


  1. I have never heard of a 'red tide' before. Those poor fishies! I could sit for hours and listen to the waves of your video - such a soothing sound :)

  2. Wow - some of those storm & ocean photos look like the storms we get here during wintertime (Washington coast).

    Hope you we able to find a few treasures :O)


  3. Awesome pictures. Thanks for the fun little video. Wish i were there. Have you found anything really exciting yet?

  4. Great video...I love the sound of the crashing and pounding of the waves. Hope the red tide is over soon so you can shell and collect sharks teeth til your heart is content :D

  5. Thanks for sharing the video, Karen... LOVE it!!! Have a great and funny weekend...

  6. That looks dark and stormy & gnarly - great photos - tonnes of atmosphere!
    Melissah from Coastal Style

  7. Just as we arrive in does the red tide. But the fresh and cooling air is awesome.

  8. Amazing photos of the ocean and the sky! It's so sad to see the fish...hope you had a good day, my friend! ♥

  9. I love the pounding surf. I enjoyed listening to it in your video. Thanks for sharing that! I couldn't believe that huge, dead fish on the beach. Such a sight! What kind of fish it is, do you know? I'm so glad you stopped by my blog today because I'd lost your blog URL. Now I can put it in my reader. Happy week ahead!

  10. Oh I love that Mark Twain quote :) .. and nice to meet you too.

  11. Hejsa.
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