Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. ~George Eliot

(Credit: Flickr user Nicholas T.)

The Essential Beachcomber is taking the show on the road for the last leg of Hubby's Bucket Tour.  Get ready for some mobile blogging as we head to Pennsylvania to visit family.  This Florida girl is going to get a first-hand look at the spectacular fall foliage in the Poconos, maybe pick some apples, but mostly just chill-out with  loved ones. I've packed all my cooler weather clothes that don't look too beachy. Layering will be key for me.  I have some cold weather shoes but I am taking my flip-flops - no negotiating with that one. Hey..... I wonder.....


  1. Have a great trip - I'm jealous because Pa. is usually beautiful this time of year. Safe travels my friend!

  2. the flip-flop leggings!!! Have a great trip...we're viewing the leaves as we leave for the south...

  3. Hahaaaa I think they will work great with flip flops. I couldn't live without mine =D I have family up there too. Your gonna have a glorious time. Make sure to get a nice fat slice of some Amish made apple pie and have some for me with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top!!! xxooxx

  4. I sure hope you got you a pair of those socks! If you did, I want to know where you got them! That is funny as your h e double tooth picks. I hope you both are having a great time. xoxo!


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