A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Flight to Arras, 1942

The creative process really sucks sometimes.  I was so pumped  to get going on my mermaid mosaic.  I have literally been jabbering about it for a year to anyone who would listen.  I had found a piece of coral that inspired me. It literally screamed "Mermaid!" (or Dolly Parton but worm shell hair would not work for Dolly)  Nine months later after gathering all the shells I needed I found the perfect frame at a thrift store. I was gaining creative momentum.   I primed the frame and was just pondering my adhesive choices when bam.... life happened.  The Hubbs went into the hospital for 10 days & he has been my focus ever since.  

As a blogger there are many lots of times that I stare blankly at the screen trying to dredge up some clever witty idea from deep within my right brain to post about. You know the feeling - My last post was 5 days ago - What can I write about?  Today I stared at that blank canvas for hours hoping something - anything would magically appear.  But it didn't. The day wasn't a total creative loss.  I made a new pasta recipe with that flavored cream cheese with garlic & Italian herbs.  It was fantastic. So, how do you get the creative juices flowing? I'm thinking tomorrow I will go buy my adhesive grout & Mod Podge & threaten the empty canvas with a few shells. (Prime the pump, so to speak) If that doesn't do it - I will take a step back, punt, & head to the beach.

Starting & finishing are easy - it's the part in the middle that is the challenge.


  1. Some beach time should be all you need to get those creative juices flowing! If by chance it doesn't...just take out your shells, study them, and play around with them a while. That usually does it for me :D

  2. Yeah, move those shells around like pieces in a magic show. Sooner or later inspiration is going to hit. I can't wait to see the finished product!

  3. I suspect your inner mermaid has undergone a few changes during your husband's health problems. Maybe you just need a quiet space to reintroduce yourselves!

  4. I little beach time should get you inspired. I know that hanging in the hospital is a real wake up call. Over a year later I can honestly say that I have to dig a little deeper for my creative mojo sometimes. Since I don't have a beach near me to get me really inspired, I resort to sorting and purging supplies while cleaning my creative space. In the meantime, I am counting down from 33 days and doing a little virtual beach walking on the webcams and blogs!! Boy the Gulf is boiling today!!!

  5. I am so glad to see an update on the mermaid. Since the day you "teased" us with her pieces, I have been checking your blog daily, and sometimes even 2x a day! : ) I just can't wait to see how she comes out. I also have been inspired by you to gather some shells to make me a mermaid. I live in South Louisian on the Gulf. Thanks for inspiring me and have a blessed day.


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