Mobile Blogging - Day 9 & 10

I was out on the beach at 7:30 am Sunday to see what Irene had left behind

Hurricane Irene finally blew past the coast of  Wilmington, NC early Saturday morning.  I laid in my bed with the blinds wide open watching the pine trees bend & sway back & forth. I was following the storm on the local news channel's Twitter feed till the Internet succumbed to the storm. The following morning brought lots of wind & rain from the backside of the storm.  The power was still out so I spent the morning drinking Diet Dr. Pepper for some caffeine (note to self - buy Starbuck's for the next hurricane) & listening to my bil & my nephew play gin rummy at the kitchen table. I was very tempted to head to the beach but I suspected the bridge was probably closed so I kept my self entertained with the impromptu casino in the kitchen, playing Words With Friends with my sil till my phone battery went to 18%, and eating all the Popsicles that were starting to thaw in the freezer. 

The power finally flickered back on late in the afternoon.  That first woosh of cool air from the a/c felt so good.  Watching the latest updates on the weather channel showed we had definitely dodged a bullet. For a storm that big & wide it really could have been much worse. The thought did cross my mind to take a quick run out to the beach to see what Irene had washed up but the naysayers in the house convinced me that traveling on roads with flooding & possible tree limbs & power lines  down was not a good idea. I decided to err on the side of safety and was totally fine with my decision until later as I was laying in bed perusing blogs on my iPhone I happened upon  this. I knew I was right.  I should always trust my inner shelling voice.  If it tells me to head to the beach next time I'll listen.
The wind & waves cut a path right through the sand dune

All the locals were on the beach to survey Irene's aftermath

The northern end of Wrightsville Beach - look at the wavy paths in the sand left by the winds

Sea Stars were washed up on the bayside.  This nice lady was rescuing them & placing them back in the water to make lots of new sea stars.

Lots of nice fossil shells for my garden back in Florida

Left - Mermaid's purse is actually an egg case of a  shark or a sting ray 
Right - is a clam of some sort


  1. Glad you weathered the storm safely. I would have been chomping at the bit to get out on that beach tho - just thinking about all the treasures that were laying there.... Looks like you found some cool stuff tho.

  2. Thanks for the peek inside Irene :) Glad you are safe and not under water...

  3. Glad you are safe...did you ever get the scotch bonnet...they are supposed to be easy to find in Carolina?!! We are sure enjoying traveling along with you, thanks for all the updates!!


  4. So glad to hear you're safe, Karen!! Keep on shellin' & take care...!

  5. So happy yall are safe! Nice yard shells

  6. Glad your safe. Ann, said it best,"Every day is a gift by the sea."

  7. Glad you ended up finding some stuff! Those sea stars are so pretty, glad she was putting them back! I found a baby one in NC one time, it was floating in the water and it was barely hanging wasn't kept it.. it will live eternally on my mantle!

  8. and scotch bonnetts may be our state shell, but from all my years of shelling, they aren't easy to find :-(


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