Word up kids? Yo yo yo the notorious WOD2011 is in the house, homeyz!

Youth: The Next Wave For Change is the theme of the World Ocean's Day 2011.  To some people trusting the future of our oceans in the hands of today's youth isn't such a hot idea.  It seems between reality tv shows & the news media most of what we hear about Generations Y & Z can be somewhat negative.  These are the kids that have cut their teeth on the world wide web.  Most of them carry the Internet in their pockets via smart phones & iPods. OMG dood! How could this GenZ possibly care about anything other than unlimited texting, facebook, & free wifi? 

The first official club poster

Happy Birthday Caitlyn! (in purple t-shirt)  Thanks for all you & Kids Creating Change do! (Credit: Kids Creating Change)

One group of kids working to make their dot on the map a better place is called Kids Creating Change.  Started by a 10 year old named Caitlyn Lovelace the organization's goal is to make their community of Englewood, Florida a better place one project at a time. What a refreshing concept - lighting a candle instead of cursing the darkness :D

May 1st started turtle hatching season.  Trash on the beach can be deadly to a baby turtle making his way from the nest back to the water. (Credit: Kids Creating Change)

Most kids come to the beach to skim board or swim.  These awesome kids are picking up trash left behind by thoughtless beach goers. (Credit: Kids Creating Change)
Caitlyn recently turned 11.  Her birthday party was not spent at a roller rink or the movies.  She had her birthday celebration on Englewood Beach organizing her own coastal clean-up party.    Caitlyn & 8 others  from the organization picked up 10.4 pounds of bottles, cans, cigarette butts, & all kinds of nasty stuff in one hour.

 Kids Creating Change was founded by a kid & is run by kids.  Beach clean-ups are just one of their projects. From hurricane preparedness expo's, raising money to provide displaced kids new school clothes,   supplied 200 coats for the homeless last winter, & buying toys for sick kids in the hospital; these kids are looking for ways to make their world a better place. I'm telling you no one is safe from a blessing around these kids. CSA! (text speak for cool, sweet, awesome!)
Spotted at the Sanibel Shell Show.  Good advice.

(Thanks to Mike Billington "Here in Englewood, the kids really are alright" Englewood Sun (Englewood, FL) June 1, 2011 p.4)

Celebrating World Oceans Day 2011 with Rhonda from Shellbelle's Tiki Hut.


  1. It is so refreshing to read about kids doing something good! I can see this girl, and this group of kids going far in life, and making a big difference!

    Happy World Oceans Day!

  2. The kids are learning to appreciate their surroundings...so important! And a fun post! I have one up this morning, too! Happy World Oceans day! ♥

  3. Yay! Kids who care enough to make a difference..how awesome is that? And somehow me thinks you had a hand in that! Happy Worl Oceans Day to u,friend, and all the kids!!

  4. Yay........it let me post! Yippee!

  5. Cute video...gets the point across! Thank goodness for the kids.

  6. Way to go, KIDS!!! How awesome is this!!! Now...if we can just get the "grown-ups" to take part in the clean-up...Don't you find that most of the trash found on the beaches is left by "grown-ups"?

  7. Nice blog - those kids deserve some recognition. It's heartening to see kids doing something worthwhile and good for the environment.

  8. I LOVE these kids!!!!! I already had to run over to FB to tell them. Karen, out of every single WOD post, this is by far my most favorite!!!!!!

    I am overjoyed that a group started by kids and run by kids is doing so much for their community and our ocean.

    Honey, my eyes teared up over this one. I have to meet this group the next time I'm in town.

    Karen, thank you for finding them and sharing their inspirational group with the rest of us. I know there are many adults who could learn a thing or two from these kids.

    Hugs to you, to them and to our ocean!!!!!!!!!

  9. Happy World Oceans Day!! Hope you are having a great week!!!

  10. Cool kids!!! Awesome post, Karen.
    Happy World Oceans Day (a little late):)


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