To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. Thomas A. Edison US inventor (1847 - 1931)

Well the planets  lined up again.   My friend Lil Shorty (pronounced Shawty) & I finally had a day off on the same day. Lil Shorty is my partner in sharks tooth crime.  After a few texts back & forth it was decided that we would walk the second leg of our unfinished beach hike. We had walked from Englewood Beach north to Blind Pass Beach back in February. That was a spectacular day.  The weather was crisp & the water was crystal blue. Once you get past the public beach & onto the beach less travelled the shoreline is teeming with sharks teeth. 

Looking south towards Blind Pass Beach in Englewood, FL

The beach was packed.  Snowbirds, spring breakers, & beach umbrellas as far as the eye could see. We started walking north and left the crowds behind us. The people of Englewood are just crazy about picking up sharks teeth. I had a lady stop me and ask what all the fuss was about.  I tried to muster up an answer with some significance but she wasn't converted.  Shaking her head she walked away not comprehending our fascination for the little black teeth hidden in the sand.

Lil Shorty has a good eye for the sharks teeth. You've heard of the Sanibel Stoop? We do the Englewood squat.

Her first find of the day
I get a kick out of all the homemade apparatuses that people make  to help find the teeth.  The most common is the sand flea shovel that every Walmart sells in our area. It seems there are many golf clubs from the Goodwill or garage sales that have been modified with spoons, wok ladles, & other kitchen utensils. Seriously, there are some inventive people out there.

A visitor from Wisconsin

A slotted kitchen spoon on a wooden broomstick handle

Homemade wooden shovel

His & hers

This contraption comes with the matching visor

Well I guess you could call what we did walking.  It was more a meandering over to this shell pile, then over to that shell pile, then over to that rock, then over to that surf line.  One tends to lose track of time as the sun, salt, & sound of the waves  take over your senses. 
Looking north up the key towards Manasota Beach

That tree has survived a few storms

Not the best pic but it was amazing to see this momma Osprey .  Her chick was in a nest close by.

Where the is a bait bucket a Egret is usually close by

Nearing the end of our walk Lil Shorty's bag was heavy with sharks teeth and so were  my cargo shorts which were starting to droop down from full pockets.  After a quick phone call to our chauffeur (my sweet hubbs) to alert him that we were nearing the end and he could leave whatever he was watching on net flicks and come get us so we picked up the pace & made it to Manasota Beach. The Hubbs' timing was perfect.  He pulled into the beach parking lot just as we walked up.  
The end of our walk - Manasota Beach

Our chauffeur was easy to spot in his ever present Gator blue & orange (The adult man's version of garanimals)


  1. Oh my gosh! Great pics. And so many sharks teeth!! WOW!!

  2. Oh my...what lovely photos!! I can't wait to be at the ocean!! Not until June though:(
    At least I can live vicariously through you!!

  3. I have got to get back up there!!! Omg! And you crack me up~Granimals!! I love it! And love you too~got to get together again soon~

  4. I read your posts and take notes. It's a shark's tooth "How to" brochure. Thanks! :-)

  5. Wow! That shark's tooth is a little "long in the tooth"! Good eye, Lil Shawty


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