I'm Just Saying.....

Come On!! You gotta love a doctor with a sense of humor. My Gyno has come up with a solution for those delicate moments that you are flat on your back being poked & prodded.  This is the  ceiling directly above the exam table. She has covered it with jokes & cartoons to lighten up an awkward moment (No I didn't take this picture during the exam - that would be tacky....I snuck & took the picture after it was over)

Looking at the ceiling from the exam table


  1. Hilarious! Fun post...so real.

  2. That is hysterical!!!!

    Went shelling in a parking lot in Ruskin on Sunday. You should see all the fabulous fossil shells I found! From ditches to parking lots, I'll shell anywhere, any time!

  3. Too funny! My GYN has light covers on her ceiling depicting nature scenes - beach, forest, etc. Although they are nice, I think I like the idea of being distracted by reading something funny.

  4. Oh my goodness! What a GREAT doctor!!!! They should all have that great sense of humor! :)

    xoxo laurie

  5. that is so funny!
    last year when i went to the gyn...got in "position"..hehee...loud ALARMS went off all over
    downtown Nashville...tornado approaching...I didn't know what I'd done at first....I dunno, millionth customer or something? Doc said I was going to fly out the window in a sheet.


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