“It doesn't matter if the water is cold or warm if you're going to have to wade through it anyway” Teilhard de Chardin (French Geologist, Priest, Philosopher and Mystic, 1881-1955)

2 feet of snow

My phone has been inundated with texts from snowbound relatives  and pictures of their houses buried beneath  all this white stuff...I think it's called snow. Well, it's cold here in Florida too. They don't want to hear it. I tell my sister up in Tennessee that  it's going to freeze tonight and that we have to cover the plants.... Like a poker game she sees my plants and raises me an ice-covered driveway. I guess everyone thinks that even when the mercury drops in Florida we are all still lolly gagging on the beach.Well, there is some truth to that.

My lunch hour is usually spent at the local beach.  I can get there in 5 minutes so why not.  I just have to watch that the waves don't sneak attack me and send me back to work with wet shoes. So I bundled up with 2 coats, scarf, hood, & mittens and started up the beach for some power shelling when I spy this fella in a wet suit heading for the water. No way! It's 47 degrees with a 15 mph NW wind blowing.  The water was 54 degrees. In he goes. Of course he didn't make any headway because the wind was pushing him but he did his best Johnny Weissmuller imitation anyway. After watching him swim for a few minutes I had to look away. I was getting colder by the second just watching him.  I met up with him later as we were both walking back to our cars. I said to him "Dude, you are my hero!" He just shrugged it off and said "I've swum in colder water than that". OK, I'll fold.
He is not...yes he is & the water is flipping cold!
No YMCA pool for this guy
He could at least act like he's cold


  1. Whew..now that is one tough guy:):)

  2. We all sign a contract on where we live in the world. The contract that you and I signed is pretty sweet! Don't gripe about where you live. Warmer climates are only a moving truck away.

  3. Now those are my kind of water temps! If we could have those during the summer I would be a happy woman. It would be so nice to take a dip in something refreshing on a hot day, rather than the warm bath that is typical. I know, I know, it's a California thing.

    I am, however, hatin' the cold outside temps right now. Brrrr…crap!

  4. LOL, I have swum in colder water than that, too, but that was WAY back when I was younger and stupid. What's his excuse??

  5. Still can't believe you can go shelling on your lunch hour!!!!
    I would brave the cold to get a basket of shells - I am getting dangerously close to the bottom of my bin!!! Oh dear!

  6. You crack me up! Your poker game sounds like one I have with a couple of my New England relatives! I usually have to remind them that they CHOSE to live in the northern climate knowing that is the weather they will have. I CHOSE to live in the Southern climate and expect to have warm weather!

    ~ Tracy


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