Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate. -- Albert Schweitzer

Happy National Pay It Forward Day!  What better way to start out the month of December than with a day filled with random acts of kindness & generosity towards others.  I am reposting "Pay it Forward Shark's Tooth-style" from back in August. I had just started blogging. This was one of my 1st posts.  For those of you experiencing some chilly weather consider this my gift of sunshine today.

Lucas on Blind Pass Beach
Yay! I finally had a Sunday off. I don't mind working week-ends and I have for 30 years. When I do have a Sunday off I appreciate them that much more.  I did have to start my Sunday with a meeting at work after which I grabbed a Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte and went to church. The afternoon was reading the paper & tuna fish sandwiches (so we didn't have to go to the store). Right around 5 pm it was cooling off from 99 degrees to about 93 degrees so we loaded up the truck & headed for Blind Pass to do one last shark's tooth outing for my sister who leaves tomorrow for home after being with us for 10 days.
Fossilized Shark's Teeth
One of the things I like the best about shelling or beach combing is the camaraderie from people you have never met. Meet Lucas. He was walking by on the beach with a nice-sized bag of shark's teeth.  I asked how long it had taken him to find them? He said he did not find them on the beach. That he works hanging drywall and finds them on the construction sites. He is a self-described "paleontologist of sorts". He brings a bag with him to the beach to hand out to the kids he meets. I Love That! He even gave me a big handful to pass out.
Lucas also picks up unusual rocks & shells to make necklaces out of.  The one he is wearing is beautiful.
About an hour after I met Lucas I ran into a kid that hadn't found any shark's teeth yet so I gave him some of Lucas' shark's teeth.  The kid was thrilled.  He ran all the way back to his family to show them yelling all the way.  My niece Pookie then came over with a big handful of shark's teeth that someone had just given to her.  Her shark's teeth benefactor said he just liked picking them up but didn't care about  keeping them.(possibly a pick-up line but she didn't bite ;)
As we were leaving the beach I gave another handful of Lucas' shark's teeth to another jubilant little boy.What an awesome day of giving and receiving even if it only was shark's teeth.  I think I went to church 
twice today.
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  1. Giving and receiving does feel great, doesn't it..., and what it is don't matter. Although, I'm loving the shark teeths -awesome find!!!

    Maya @ Completely Coastal

  2. I didn't know about the Pay It Forward Day, geez. Love that you passed along the shark's teeth... sometimes the simplest things have a big impact on people's lives. The child who received the sharks teeth may go on to do something big for the world, spurred in some way by your kindness.

    We just never know, do we?
    Peace & cockles,

  3. This happens every time we go to the beach with our grandsons...someone invariably offers them a handout of sharks teeth!

  4. How neat! I wish I had known, too! But I try to live my life this way every day and so many others bless me along the way! Hugs! ♥


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