May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through! ~Author Unknown

flash mob (or flashmob) is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, then disperse.The term flash mob is generally applied only to gatherings organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral email. (from

I'm always the last one to hear about any new trend. If it weren't for my 24 yo niece Pookie who lives with me I would be total obtuse about Snookie, the Kardashion's, or McDreamy - McSteamy - or any other variety of Mac except the Big Mac. It was my niece that gently corrected me "Ant Karen - you say "it's the bomb" not "it's a bomb". Whew, somebody's gotta keep this on-the-sunnyside-of-middle-age lady straight.

So flash mob? Who knew? A group of people with a common song or dance that just pounces it's performance on unsuspecting people in a public place...Come on - that rocks. (not to be confused with "a rock") And Christmas music to boot! What a way to jump start your holiday spirit...enjoy.


  1. That was "the bomb!" Seriously, that was awesome! Gave me goosebumps. I would love to have been there to witness that.

  2. Wow, that was AWESOME!!! (to use an old-fashioned over-used trendy word). Breathtaking and heart-lifting...I'm watching that again and again...way to bring on the Christmas spirit, Karen!

  3. Brilliant!

    I posted this on FB to share with family and friends. Great way to kick off the holiday spirit. I have one question though, why are they wearing coats and scarves? Is it cold somewhere?

  4. Too funny! It's hard to keep up with all of the new stuff, isn't it! And I've never heard of the mob, so you are one step ahead of me!

  5. Great post! I have a lot of kids around here to correct me too. I've enjoyed watching those Flash Mob scenes on the computer. Of course, it's my older sons that have introduced me to them :-)

  6. Dear Kaybe -- I'm sitting her in a puddle of tears! That video was incredible - - better than church! I hope you don't mind, but I wish to post this on my little spot!

    And, speaking of spots - just love your place in blogland! I, too, love the sea and all its beauty ... unfortunately, we have to drive a haul to get there! People thought that I was crazy - but I had our November wedding in shades of blue with shells & sea glass everywhere!! LOL

    Oh - and be sure to stop by ... I am hosting a giveaway of my handmade jewelry - drawing is Friday!

    So glad to have found your blog!

    Merry Christmas!


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