Nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished. - Lao Tzu

I just hate it when work interrupts my beach combing.  Yesterday was  my hump day.  I am on a 9 day work stretch with 4 more to go before a day off. Look at my jar! The last time I posted it was at about 1 1/2 inches.  A handful here and there and I'm still making progress. I flipped my calender to October this morning and the title quote wacked me awake.... don't hurry, don't worry, just do the next right thing in front of me.....

The jar is filling up
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  1. This is October already! Where did September go?? Love the jar and can't wait to see it filled.

  2. It seems like summer should be arriving not fall. Nice to the progress with your jar has continued.

  3. Wow - that is a long work stretch! Your almost there.

  4. Don't worry, that jar will soon fill up! What do you do with all those sharks' teeth?


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