“I know up on the top you are seeing great sights, but down at the bottom we, too, should have rights. "Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories"” - Dr. Suess

We see plenty of these

What a gorgeous day today.  I got the grocery shopping done & made a pot of spagetti sauce. It was only 4pm so I drove out to Blind Pass Beach for a few hours of shark's tooth hunting.  My intention was to make a video of how I have been finding so many teeth on the high surf line in the shell crush.

 There were several other ST hunters with their shell shovels looking in the water.  The tide was going out and it was very windy so I plopped down on my pile of shell crush and proceeded to shoot my little movie.

  All the sudden this woman is yelling she found a baby turtle.  She had spotted him heading for the water when a seagull tried to nab him.  Let me say right now seagulls are now my least favorite bird. That being said I grabbed my camera and ran over to where she was watching one  baby turtle.  Well, his brothers & sisters were marching right behind him to the water.  There were little baby turtles everywhere. 

What determination these little dudes have.  The nest was at least 40 yards from the water and these guys were just plowing forward. We did help a few that were getting off course because of those awful varmit seagulls. I have seen plenty of nests but never seen one hatch. AMAZING!

What a determined little guy

They are climbing out a tiny hole and over the grass.  See all the little turtle tracks.

Heading for home.
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I finally put my camera down to just experience the moment.  So this is what I have to share with you. The video quality is shaky due to me running off those blasted seagulls.  The audio is fuzzy because of the wind. I wish that you all would be able to one day see this like I did .  It was amazing.


  1. Oh my - what a wonderful way for me to end my day!! This is awesome. You are so fortunate to have seen this...WOW - I am going to play this for my husband. Incredible. Thank you for sharing.

  2. That is totally AMAZING!!!! Look at what I've been missing all this time! You really know your beaches, Karen. Every time you go out, it's an adventure. I'm going to show this video to my husband :)

  3. Becky> Funny thing is although I go to Blind Pass Beach quite a bit I usually go to the south end and yesterday I walked up the road and climbed over the fence to the north end because their were less people. Hope you are enjoying your vacation. I'm back to work today.

  4. That is awesome! When I lived on Anna Maria Island, I was a volunteer with the Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shore Bird Monitoring and it truly is amazing watching the baby turtles emerge from their nests and start their migration to the water.

    I need to have more patience when searching for shark teeth. Well, I need to actually go by myself so I have the time to just sit without any other demands from family and friends.

    Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

    ~ Tracy

  5. Oh Karen, this is even better than the description you gave me on the phone! Absolutely amazing! Now you know I am really jealous that I wasn't there with you, but I'm living the experience vicariously through you, thanks for the awesome video. I just love turtles!

  6. Imagine the thrill those little guys felt... that first ever splash of warm water on their little bodies. What a special, special day for them, & for you to be there to help deliver them to the sea!

    I had no idea shark's teeth were light... they certainly don't look it.

  7. What an amazing experience! Aren't they just the cutest thing ever, so tiny and adorable. Lucky you were there at the right time to see their incredible journey. Thank you so much for sharing :)

  8. What an amazing experience! So fortunate for those little turtles that you were at the right place at the right time. Your video was wonderful to watch...I've watched it twice now.
    Those little guys are so cute and so determined to get to the sea. Nature really is amazing.
    Thank you for starting my day off perfectly!!!

  9. Wow! How special! I am so glad you were able to see that and thank you so much for sharing.


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