Thrifty Goodness

 The only thing I like better than walking the beach for shells, shark's teeth, & whatever else happens to wash up is going to thrift stores. I like the consignment shops & discount stores but give me a little junky storefront crammed full of who-knows-what to dig through and I'm a happy camper.

I like shelling especially when my head is in bad space. There is just something about focusing on the treasure hunt that makes me forget I just had a stressful day. Well, if I can't make it to the beach my thrift store route is the next best thing.And look what I found today sitting up on a top shelf. Isn't this napkin holder a beauty?
Front side
Cool Contact  Paper
Someone took the time to make sure all the coquinas were the same size and all lined up. I can tell they chose the best of all there little mini's for the accents in the center. All that work to hold paper napkins. 
The other side
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For me there are no good days and bad days....just good finds and gooder finds. 
My Top Secret Thrift Store Route


  1. Very cute! Isn't it fun seeing what ideas other people come up with?

  2. Good eye for the napkin holder!
    You travel the same thrift store route as I... didn't know about the Davis Thrift Store stop....was the Elephant's Trunk store on that map? I don't remember seeing it.

  3. I love this! Now I just know I have a "few" coquinas around here somewhere…now where'd I put that glue?

  4. This napkin holder is so cuteeeee!!! What an interesting find. I am also a thrift shopping fool! I can spend hours just looking through all the "stuff". I love the detail on this thing...and the pretty paper lining too!

  5. This is so so cute! Theres nothing like thrifting and shelling, except when you combine the two and come up with beauties like this :)

  6. Oh my goodness! That is an amazing find! Love how pretty it is! Shells make me happy. Thanks for joining Junkin Finds Friday! hugs, Linda

  7. Cute find! Thrifting and shelling, it just doesn't get any better than that!

  8. Totally awesome! Great find! Came by way of Junkin Finds ... thanks for sharing!


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